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Zone Fresh’s Finest


500 Grams


$2.60 per 100g

TURMERIC AND LEMON – (Speciality Infused Honey Blend)


This one is worth a try, whether you are a big turmeric and lemon fan or not as it will pleasantly surprise you as it awakens and excites all your taste buds, whilst providing you with immune system with a boost.  

It features the mixed blossom honey from our hives is Mansfield / Wishart, which is slightly darker in colour, rich and bold flavour, and floral undertones. Infused within this sweet golden nectar  is a careful blend of organic turmeric powder and perfectly balanced with a food grade lemon essential oil, a subtle hint of organic black ground pepper is added into this infusion to ensure that it's more bio-available for your nutritional needs. 

It is the most popular and unique speciality honey blend / infusion that locals rave about and keep coming back for more.

Storage / Shelf-life:

Pantry / cupboard – no need to refrigerate. Raw honey will never spoil but may naturally harden or crystalise.

Hand packed in BPA free tamper proof plastic packaging and labelled to meet retail standards.

Serving suggestions:

Add it to your teas (chai or other herbal teas such as a turmeric latte), use it on buttered toast, consume a spoonful at breakfast for an immunity boost. Elevate the flavour of a dish by incorporating it into stews, soups of greens or drizzle over roasted vegetables. It’s only limited to your imagination.

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