
Lemon Drizzle Cake


A classic dessert, who can resist a slice of moist and tangy Lemon Drizzle Cake?! ?

This five-ingredient recipe is simple to make and oh-so-tasty. Serve with a hot cup of tea and you’ve got yourself an afternoon treat Grandma would be proud of! ?

Preparation time : 5 minutes

Cooking time : 1 hour

Serves : 6

Ingredients :
  • 5 lemons
  • 300g self-rising flour
  • 200g sugar
  • 150ml oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g icing sugar
Method :
  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.
  2. In a large bowl mix together the self-rising flour and sugar.  
  3. In another bowl mix together the wet ingredients: eggs, oil, zest of 2 lemons and the juice of 3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. 
  4. In a lined loaf tin gently pour in the batter.  
  5. Bake for 60 minutes or until skewer comes away clean. Remove from oven and leave to cool 
  6. To make the drizzle: mix together icing sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Once the cake is ready to serve thinly slice the remaining lemon and add to the top of the cake. Drizzle over the icing sugar mixer. Add extra lemon zest 
  7. Enjoy with a cup of tea.

Recipe by A Better Choice

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