Preparation Time : 15 Minutes
Serves : 3
Ingredients :
- ½ tbsp olive oil
- 1 knob of butter
- 1 zucchini, cut into small chunks
- 1 yellow capsicum, cut into small chunks
- 1 red capsicum, cut into small chunks
- 2 spring onions, finely sliced
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 3 eggs
- Salt & pepper to taste
Method :
- Heat the oil and butter in a large fry pan, then add the zucchini and capsicum and a little salt and pepper. Cook for 10 mins, stirring from time to time until everything is starting to brown.
- Add the spring onions, garlic and thyme and cook for a further 2 minutes
- Make three spaces in the pan and crack in the eggs.
- Cover with foil or a lid and cook for around 4 mins, or until the eggs are cooked (with the yolks soft for dipping into). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve.
Recipe provided by A Better Choice
Shop for your ingredients in-store or online.