Watermelon Crushes

Beat the summertime heat with these deliciously refreshing crushes! Kids and adults alike are going to love them and best of all they are super healthy while tasting like a treat.
In summer it is particularly important to keep your body hydrated. Drinking water is obviously an important way to ensure you stay hydrated, however eating high water content foods can also help a great deal too. Did you know that watermelon is in fact 92% water? Better yet, watermelon is low in sugar (it is one of the lowest calorie fruits) while being high in vitamins and minerals.
While eating sliced watermelon is definitely a favourite family past time (where siblings spit the seeds at each other), we are sure these watermelon crushes have the potential to also become a special treasure of your family’s summertime memory vault.
One more recipe note we couldn’t leave unsaid…. And this one is adults only! These crushes are also brilliant mixed with a little vodka, a fantastic way to enjoy a beverage on a hot summers evening while enjoying the company of friends and family!
Prep : 5 minutes
Serves : 4-6
Ingredients :
- 3 ½ Cup Watermelon, seeded and cut in to chunks
- 2 Cup Frozen coconut water, in cubes
- 1 Lime, skin removed
- 1 Tbsp Fresh mint leaves
- 1 tsp Fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated (optional)
Method :
- Add all the ingredients to a high speed blender and blitz on high for 30 seconds.
- Pour in glasses and serve immediately.
This recipe by A Better Choice !
Shop for your ingredients in-store or online.